Movember - More than just Mustaches!
Over the past 6 weeks, we've shared a lot on our social media channels about our Movember goals and challenges.
We shared the fun, the photos, and the numbers.
A few years ago, we decided to make Movember one of our annual "events" where our team comes together to make an impact outside of our organization and our industry. We make if fun for our team to jump on board, and through team chats, emails, and social media sharing we get to witness the excitement grow over the course of the month.
What we love about Movember - it's a fun thing to take part in - going back to the primary activity of growing facial hair as a means of bringing awareness to men's health. Industrial Division Manager, Mike Bischler, enjoyed seeing the participation from his division, " I'm proud of our Guys. They all grew disgusting mustaches that scared the women and children from far and wide!!! Well Done Team!"
The rewards of taking part in an event like Movember go far beyond the FACIAL HAIR AND funds raised.
This year we increased our focus on movement. Impact President, Boyd Kampen, noted how some team members used this as an inspiration to get more active, stating "One team member consistently did 2km per day to reach his 60km move goal. This was his spark to get more active."
Over the past 6 weeks, we have also had the opportunity to talk face to face with our team; having discussions on safety, men's health and employee well-being.
Our Division leaders noticed the impact that was made by taking time to talk about men's health.
Commercial Projects Manager, Dean Derksen provided feedback about the 'toolbox talks' - "I think the focus on movement was good, but the focus on the toolbox talks was even better. Being in the trades we are generally active, but the discussion about men's health is pretty rare."
There's a ripple effect in watching your team set and achieve goals. Financial Controller, Ashley Kampen said, "It was inspiring for me to see people's movement throughout the month. Some were vocal about why they were doing it, and others just quietly did their thing and I was completely surprised when during the month one did a post saying he already had all of his kms in."
Funds Raised - $6206.20
Kms moved - 1608kms
Safety Mo-ments - 17
Team building and memories made - PRICELESS